jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Been a blogger...

Hi everyone!

I think today it’s the last day for us to write on our blogs. So I’ll tell you how was it for me. I think this was a very rewarding experience, even if I didn’t knew what to write about It always was a challenge. At start it was hard; in school I wasn’t very good at it, so when we begin, after 2 years of school, it was more difficult to me. Sometimes was complicated the vocabulary some others how to say something, like ways of saying it and the orthography was a thing that I almost forgot at all. So post after post I write and learn everyday a little more; and now it’s no very difficult to me, it flows very easily, my orthography get better and I learn more vocabulary of different topics it was more varied that the words that I learn in my last years of school.
Sincerely when In read a blog I always look at my friend’s or at the blog of the person that comment on Simon’s, there were very interesting also and talk about similar things as I did.
As I said before, every post was interesting but the post that I enjoy the least was the one of the natural history museum and the building one because there were posts of things that I don’t know very well and they were very difficult to think and write.
The post I enjoy the most was of the restaurant one because I love food and the other was the free one. In that post I wrote about my Paramore concert! It was my favorite post because I this concert mean a lot to me, considering Paramore it my favorite band and also because it’s the first time I’ll see them. And I tell you something… The concert it’s today! I can’t believe it past 3 months, I’m extremely excited!  

domingo, 14 de julio de 2013

As Told by Ginger

Hi everyone!

It’s time to remember old times! Today I have to talk about a TV show that I used to see when I was a child. I memorize my childhood or at least two years of it, like a time with my head in front of the TV. I used to see like 6 hours TV non-stop a day when I was 10 or 11 years old. When I got out of school I remember the first thing I used to do after eating something and changing my uniform, was sitting on the sofa and turn on the TV on Nickelodeon channel while I was doing my homework. I know that seen that much hours of TV is not very healthy but I remember I was happy and it was fun. I used to see SpongeBob SquarePants, As Told by Ginger, Sabrina the teenage witch, Sister sister and Clueless between others. My favorite was As Told by Ginger. It was about a teenager girl and her life with geek friends at school and separate parents. The show ran in 2000 till 2009. I think I enjoy that show so much because it was a girl at my age and living some things that I was living them to, I felt identified with her.

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Do schools kill creativity?

Hi everyone!

Today I will talk you about the video of Ken Robinson of the creativity. I have seen a talk of him in TED before, a video that illustrate the things that he is saying. And he explains in a better way some concepts like the ADHD disorder and how schools treat children and push them to calm "to help them study". When they really are causing them the lost of their creativity and self expression making them think that don't show your artistic part is the correct thing, that the scientific and mathematic is the thing that matters in life, in the future and in their jobs.
We know that the cause of things is the system of education; therefore, teachers and classmates are the principal cause of this treat to students. I have my own experience that has to do with embarrassing their students than directly restricting their creativity. Anyway I think that it causes the same consequence, when you embarrass someone you make them shy and their never feel secure to say or feel something and be able to express it to someone else.

Finally there are two things that cause problems with the self growth: the lack of stimulation, the limitation of the former and the bullying problem. Here a leave you a trailer about a documental “Bully”. I saw it with other videos about this film a few months ago and I could almost feel the realty of those kids it is very harsh to see.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Wine cellar Santa Ema

Hello everyone!

Now I have to talk you about a building I like. I start searching in the web because I couldn’t think about a building I knew. It was very difficult to me to find some building that was located in some place I knew but then my boyfriend reminds me of a building close to his home.  I have seen it sometimes when we travel to his home in Isla de Maipo. This is a modern building from 2003. It was constructed to be a wine cellar from the Santa Ema vineyard to disassociate the wine from the traditional architecture. It situated in a green valley in El Peral, Isla de Maipo close to The Andes mountain range that we can see from then. The building is very geometric and contrasts with the nature and the organic land that surround it. Above all, the constructions that are there and in the town that are the most structures of wood.  Although is the field that dominate the landscape, this construction is besides a highway that join the country, the nature of the place with the urban planning of the nearby cities.

A place to eat: Parrillada La Uruguaya

Hi everyone!

In the following post I will tell you about my recommendation to a restaurant. In general I like lots of types of food and I think that everything is in the way of cooking it. 

Uruguay sub 17 football team

Here in Santiago I have eaten in a few restaurants but the restaurant I like the most is Parrillada La Uruguaya. Not just because they’re great at what they do but because it’s the place I like to go when my family visits me here. It’s like a tradition to us that when my brother or I arrive to Iquique the next Sunday is a day of barbecue, so when they come here we get together again and go to Parrillada La Uruguaya. The place that I use to go was located on Rancagua Street very close to Vicuña Mackenna but that place got burned, so the last time we went to Av. José Domingo Cañas corner José Manuel Infante. I just know about a new place in Condell near Rancagua in replacement of the burned one. They serve barbecues with a variety of meats. And their specialties, besides the barbecues, are the “pamplonas”, chorizos and the black puddings. 
So that’s my recommendation for you… The bad thing of this it’s that I get hungry! I’d like to eat a special barbecue NOW!

Here the webpage!!

domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

BBC’s Learning English

Hi everyone!

After all the time we have been in the strike, I go back to write again in my blog. I’ll star where I left, the review of the webpage: BBC’s Learning English.

The page is very easy to navigate; the column on the left side has it all. I like the grammar and vocabulary part. It has good sections to practice, listen how to pronounce, learn about some phrases and says.  When I first saw the page in the classroom I couldn’t see the listening that every text has, witch is awesome and very useful; But to listen that the page need a plug to do that and to watch videos; as the computer didn’t have it, I couldn’t see that content. I think I’ll check the page in home where I can see all the things. It could be very helpful to learn and keep up to date.

About the strike: I leave you something I found in the page, to learn and inform.

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Industrial Design

Hello classmates!

Today I’ll talk to you about the job I always wanted to do and what I’m studying for, industrial design.

I remember very well when I was a little girl, I always liked to play, create things, disassemble toys and when someone ask what I wanted to be when I grown up I said: an inventor. Then, I wanted to be a fashion designer. I remember I used to practice with my "design the fashion" play. I start to draw human bodies and clothes but I desist because it was very difficult to me. Later I wanted to be a graphic designer, then an architect and finally an industrial designer. Now I’m studding industrial design and I start because I liked to do furniture and design spaces and rooms. But when I realized what really was the industrial design, I understand I always wanted thins. I always wanted to create things, resolve problems and it was better if when I was doing it I also was helping to solve people troubles or finding a solution to improve their life quality.

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Natural History Museum

Hi everyone!

After the last class about touristic locations in London I have to talk you about one of this. I’m a person who like an assortment of knowledge so if found a place with a lot of information of many things it’s the place for me. Of all the places that we review the one I like the most was The Natural History Museum. This is a place where there exhibitions and collections of the natural world and where inspired for a better care for the planet. His mission is to maintain and develop their collections and use them to promote the discovery, understanding, responsible use and enjoyment of the natural world. 
This museum is located in Cromwell Road in London (by tube, in South Kensington station), it’s open every day from 10:00 to 17:50 and the entrance is free.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Iquique's Festival 2011

Hello bloggers

Now that we are so close to the long weekend of May, and I just can’t keep thinking that if I knew earlier I could travel with my family to Iquique, I will bore you with another history of my city. I’ll talk about a concert in Iquique. A few years ago the mayor of the city started to organize a festival like the Viña’s Festival but in Iquique and with no competition, just to have several shows, singer groups and entertainment. Well, for the Iquique’s Festival 2011 my best friend receive 4 invitations for ones of the best sites and me and two other friends of us were the privileged. That year the main dish was Alejandro Sanz. We, me and my two others friends, weren’t fan of his but Chumbe, as we call it, always listen his songs and knows it all about it. He was very excited about seen Alejandro so close of him and singing his favorites songs! So we went to the festival, sit there and wait. I remember we saw meanwhile INXS and La Rupertina. When was Alejandro’s turn we saw our friend jump of his seat and move quickly the closest he could of the stage with the camera like hypnotized, filming and singing all the songs. We all have a great time enjoying the show and laughing of Chumbe about his reaction and fanaticism.

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013


Hi everyone!

Today I have to talk about a beach from Chile. As you all know I’m from Iquique and I love my city so I will talk about a beach from my beautiful and sunny Iquique. Cavancha it’s the most popular beach of the city and is the only one suitable for swimming. In summer it’s always full of people sunbathing, swimming, playing beach tennis and other sports. The water it’s warm and it’s no very windy like other beaches in Chile. Almost all friends here in Santiago know cold beaches and windy where you can’t swim without getting a cold or with prickling sensation of the sand lifted by the wind. The rest of the year the beach it’s pretty much empty only used by the people who like to have a nice walk or some others who like running and practice sports. I used to go there with my family or friends and walk by the theme park close to the beach. And in summer I like sunbathing but I only do that like 3 or 4 days in the whole summer. I always got tired trying to have a brown skin but in one point I accept that I’m too white to do that haha!

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Cold journey

Hello everyone!

Today I have to talk about a photograph with a moment I like. When I was a little girl I travel a lot. I have almost no memories of my trips, but one of the images that I remember the most is traveling with my family to the south of Chile. We go across a place called “Las Torres del Paine”. The picture I show you here was taken at the bank of Grey Lake when I was like 7 years old. In the picture I’m holding a piece of ice, one of many and biggest of this place. Behind me we could see in the distance the giant ice blocks. How I think I told you before in other post, I’m from Iquique and as you know, the landscape is very different from that. I remember being so amazed of this place! And look at those immense blue sponges. When they break and fall they made a loud crack. I also remember making a walk in the woods on the hills beside the Grey Lake. Ah! I saw a person getting in the lake and swim in underwear. I can’t imagine the cold that feel that poor sir! Haha!

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Paramore in concert

Hello everyone!

Today I want to talk about my favorite music group, Paramore, I know, this band is so out and emo haha. In spite of that is band I like the most, it represent the time I start to listen and appreciate music, when I was 14 or 15 years old, it was the period of My chemical romance, Panic at the disco, Fall out boy and that type of groups of pop-rock, emo or alternative rock. I'm a little stuck on that band. Obviously I’ve known others groups of different genre that I like a lot.

Well, the thing is, Paramore it's coming again to Chile! And all I want to is go see them. They have been here a couple of times but unfortunately I never been able to see them, because when they came I was living in Iquique and it was very complicated and expensive.

When I knew that they'll come, I couldn't believe it! I look at the web where it was announce; I saw the prices and then saw the date... 18th of July! I was traveling to Iquique in 16th of July! Even couldn't get exited but i had all the interest of going.

Finally i talk to my parents about it, looking to the possibility of changing my tickets but it would be difficult. My dad does everything and he couldn't change it. He told me that, i was grateful with he's effort so i just thank him and told him that I’ll wait till they come again. But he was been looking others tickets before and told me that he was thinking on buying new ones. The next day i was buying them and getting excited! Know i just need to buy the concert ticket to be extremely happy. I think it will be a great experience. I can't wait to see them!

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

An ambition

Hi everyone!

Today I’m going to talk about an ambition I have. I think this ambition begun when I was in the middle of high school when i met a girl, she was a exchange student from greenland. I remembered like a key moment, when I opened my eyes and realized that beside my country, my city and the people around me; there was a whole world, full of persons with different custom, habits, rituals, lots of diverse kind of cultures very interesting to know. And in that moment I dreamed travel the world, meeting and watching people that to me are fascinating just for being different. It brings to my mind, being astonished and excited to see the ways of living of other people.

Making it real would be very gratifying. As well as knowing new cultures it’d be wonderful to know their artistic ways of expression. I must say that I just recognized the importance of this ambition to me and the rewarding that would be, not just as a person as a designer too.

I hope to achieve this dream making diverse travels along my life to different continents, starting when I finish my studies or maybe between them, making a trip that will benefit my career too.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte

I'd like to recommend you all, this book: "Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte". His author is Horacio Quiroga. He was a famous Uruguayan writer who's tales were compared with Edgar Allan Poe's. I read it when I was in 10th grade of high school in 2008. It was a book chosen by my spanish teacher to read it in that year. It has a lot of tales in it about love and death, in most of all somebody dies. I especially like the tale called "El almohadón de plumas" it talk about a just married couple that goes to live in a scary house, then the wife suddenly get sick, and become weaker and weaker until she dies of a parasite that was living in her pillow and drinking her blood. This tale was very exciting to read, it has a lot of suspence and when I find the truth about her, it was the scariest thing ever.